Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Testimony of Blessing

The Ward Family and I had the privilege to be apart of a testimony service. A Believer in a village called together the surrounding believers. His testimony of God’s faithfulness was inspiring and one that many of us can relate to. Maybe not the situation, but the outcome.

He’s a farmer. It’s harvest season for his cabbages. As he’s harvesting he prays. “Lord, This is your crop. Maybe I could get 5 Baht for kilo of Cabbage. ( It is about 30 Thai Baht to 1 American Dollar.) Please provide I want to testify of your faithfulness.”

He arrives to market to find out that he is not going to get 5 Baht for his Cabbages… Instead he will receive 7 Baht for his cabbages. What a blessing to his family, church and community!

So he called together everyone to testify at God’s goodness. There was song, testimony, eating and fellowship. There was a spirit of joy in that place!

As I was sitting there I got to thinking about the blessings that God has given me. So many times we have such joy because of the blessing. But soon we forget about that blessing when the next hard time comes around. We forget about God’s goodness and provision. We forget that He is bigger then our problems. We forget that He never changes. He’s the same God of the blessings of the past and will be the same God with the blessings in the future as well. He won’t change that.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Life

I think everyone has had times where they wish they could change their life and be someone else. Change the things that we don't like about ourselves, situations in our lives, difficult people around us. We see people who's lives seem to look so much better. We wish and fantasies about our different lives. There are chat rooms, websites and technology that helps us pretend to be someone else for a time being. But what if we stopped pretending and actually work towards being ourselves only better?
I've been thinking of the new life that God has for us. How he has the promise land all set up for us to walk into yet most of us are like the majority of the Israelites. We look and see the giants in the land so we freak out and say no way are we going to be able to go in and claim that land. It looks to hard. So we end up wandering in the desert and never see the promise land. Or are we a Caleb and Joshua? Who looked at the Promise Land and said " Yes we so can go in and claim it as our land... look who our GOD is! " They are the only two guys who got to go into the promise land. They got to experience their new life! They got to walk around and be apart of the new life God had for them. They got to walk in it..... To me that sounds like the most exciting thing to know the promise that God has given you and to be able to walk in it. I've experienced it myself. I know the joy and excitement when it comes to walking in the promises of God. Why don't you walk in those promises everyday? Why shouldn't you walk in them?
What is holding you back?
There is new life in the Promises of God. Your choose is....?