I've had a lot of interesting changes happen recently.
First major one. I decided not to go back to Thailand long term. I am planning a short trip (I have to get my stuff that I left). But I felt God was closing that door. I don't know why or what is planned now but I am at peace with it.
Second... I got a full time job. As much as I wish at times it wasn't this I am working at a daycare. It never seems to end. I have been raised and breed to work with Children. Sometimes I feel like it's the easy fall back. But I don't take this job lightly. Sure I get to play with toys and I paint butts for a living (We use Q-tips to apply creams to sensitive bottoms) But God has put me here for such a time as this. Every time I hold a child in my arms I have the unique opportunity to pray over them. To pray that they would grow to become Godly men and women. That if they do not know of him now that they will meet those people in their future who will tell them and that their hearts would be open to the Spirit's prompting.
Third... I'm getting my own place.... Well an apartment with a roommate. Which for me isn't that new considering the many places I have lived and the MANY roommates I have had. However this is in Michigan and it is NOT my parents house. You have noooo idea how excited I am to be moving out of my parents and to have my own place again. To cook my own meals. Wash my clothes and dry them when ever I want and I don't have to wait for the weather to be nice! Invite people over and have young people parties without feeling guilty because I've also had to kick my parents out to do so. I am sooo excited!
I do miss the "old life" I miss the adventure that came with it. Sometimes it's easy to forget the hard times that came with it. But even though I remember them I still miss the "old days". I miss those seasons of Discipleship 24/7. I have some of that here but it's harder when you have to work around other schedules.
I miss Colorado. I especially miss my friends from there. I know many have moved on as well but you will always be there in my mind. And for the ones still there.... I may show up again. Course as to how many actually have read this blog is probably not many so it may be a surprise when I do show up even though I did give you warning on here. :-)
Hey, I read your blog and I'm NOT in CO!! Hahaha! Glad to hear that you are finally getting your own place! How exciting. When do you get to move in?
ReplyDeleteHope you are doing well!! Hugs from us all!
Sheila :)