Someone to distract me from the emotions at hand. I have been pretty shut off from any emotions so far. It just hit me and has about knocked me out.
It might have to do with the fact that this is my last chance to be at the middle school youth group @ the Grove. I have been apart of this group for years now. I have been there when the 6th graders came in and have been there when the 8th graders moved on. I have passed out numerous hugs, cried on, been the "mean one" and told them to knock it off, listened to stories, laughed at their antics. It's been so much fun. It's also been challenging. Well worth it for sure!
This has been a huge part of my life. And tonight... It's over.
So I sit here by myself... Waiting on the Lord... asking him for his reassurance. Because right now I just want to curl up and not move. However I think if I did that in the Looney Bean they might have to call to have me removed and I don't think that would be a wise idea. So I move forward. One step at a time!